Master Classes


Master Classes

SEP offers masterclasses for various durations in different areas of baking and pastry to help students/ professionals specialize in a specific skill set.

our primary goal is your development within an interactive environment, utilizing the finest ingredients, infrastructure, and techniques.

To know about fees and other details please call +91 8652255912

To know about fees and other details please call +91 8652255912

starts from 2nd to 7th December 2024

To know about fees and other details please call +91 8652255912

To know about fees and other details please call +91 8652255912

Starts from 9th to 14th December 2024

To know about fees and other details please call +91 8652255912

Desire to do better

Join us for our campus Open Days held throughout the year. As our esteemed guest, you'll have the opportunity to explore our state-of-the-art campus and discover the intricacies of our unique approach to teaching culinary and pastry arts.

1150 hours

of hands-on experience

Bakery Institute in Mumbai

Detailed instructions

by masterchefs themselves

bakery classes in mumbai

Highest level of certification

from city & guilds, London

State of the art

campus based in Mumbai, India


driven courses

Students at work
Batch of 2021
@SEP, Mumbai
Students at work
Batch of 2022
@SEP, Mumbai


Hear what our students have to say